Қарағанды университетінің хабаршысы. Физика сериясы (Sep 2021)
Prototyping of a concrete maturity sensor with a hermetically sealed housing made of two-component plastic
The construction industry, traditionally considered quite conservative, is now going through a marked change. With competition intensifying, companies have begun to gradually adopt various digital technologies to reduce construction costs, such as the wireless concrete monitoring sensors, which implement a temperature-strength monitoring method for concrete. Each device has its technological features, which are considered in the development of the concepts. Enclosure design is the most important stage of product development. An enclosure made in-house has many advantages and disadvantages. The most important part of the design of an electronic device enclosure is the preliminary research stage. This article presents features of wireless monitoring sensor enclosure design. A data acquisition station (DAS), also referred to in the network topology as a “gateway”, will be used to collect data from the wireless monitoring sensor over the selected protocol. The server application was created based on HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript. Testing of the wireless monitoring sensor, SDS, and the server application working together showed full functionality. A study is also given on the determination of concrete strength using the developed sensor according to the ASTM method and using the IPS MG 4.0 by GOST.