Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (Apr 2015)
Spontaneous resolution of severe neuroretinitis following a febrile illness
Background: Neuroretinitis represents a self-limiting, benign, systemic inflammatory process with rarely a specific etiology being identified, yet steroids are used in treatment. Aims: To report a case series of adolescents suffering from bilateral neuroretinitis following a febrile illness with spontaneous resolution without steroids therapy. Method: Here in we report a series of five patients who presented with diminision of vision (counting fingers) in both eyes 3-4 weeks following a febrile illness characterized by optic disc swelling, and macular star exudates. Results: Visual acuity resolved spontaneously to 20/40 or better without steroid therapy over a period varying between 3 months to 18months. Conclusion: This study represents a retrospective review of group of patients with good visual recovery without steroid treatment and also highlights observation combined with patient councelling remains an appropriate option for neuroretinitis following febrile illness.