Cogent Food & Agriculture (Jan 2018)
Optimum inter-row spacing and seeding rate of sesame for harnessing the maximum productivity potential in the dry land area of Abergelle District, Northeast Ethiopia
Field experiments have been conducted with the objective of identifying optimum inter-row spacing and seeding rate of sesame for harnessing the maximum productivity potential in the dry land area of Abergelle District, Northeast Ethiopia. The experiment was designed in factorial arrangement of three inter row spacing (40, 50 and 60 cm) and four seeding rates (2, 3.5, 5 and 6.5 kg ha−1) in RCBD with three replications. The main effects of inter row spacing and seeding rate as well as the interaction had no significant effect on days to 50% emergence. The main effects of inter row spacing and seeding rate had significant effect on plant height and capsule length. On the other hand, the interaction effects of inter row spacing and seeding rate significantly influenced 50% flowering, 50% maturity, number of leaves, number of branches, number of capsules per plant and grain yield. The highest grain yield (758.32 kg ha−1) was obtained from 3.5 kg ha−1 × 50 cm and (750.28 kg ha−1) from 3.5 kg ha−1 × 40 cm seeding rate and inter row spacing. Based on partial budget analysis 3.5 kg ha−1 × 50 cm and 5 kgha−1 × 40 cm seeding rate and inter row spacing combination can be also economical with high net benefit respectively. Thus, the 50 cm inter spacing × 3.5 kg ha−1 seeding rate and 40 cm inter spacing × 5 kg ha−1 seeding rate combination seems promising as 1st and 2nd option for locally available sesame variety under the rain fed condition of Abergelle woreda.