Report of Health Care (Jul 2016)
Effects of Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) Extract on 6-Hydroxy Dopamine Induced Parkinson’s Disease Model in Male Rats
Introduction: Parkinson's disease is a prevalent neuropathological disorder. Oxidative stress is regarded as the main factor of this disease which causes death of neurons. Considering the protective antioxidative property of strawberry, the aim of the present study was to investigate effects of strawberry extract (SE) on motor and cognitive disorders, and lipid peroxidation in animal model of Parkinson. Methods: 40 male wistar rats were divided into five groups: control, Parkinson and three treatment groups. To Parkinson, the rats received 6-OHDA toxin with dose of 8 μg in 2 μl of normal saline solution with 0.01% of ascorbic acid inside medial forebrain bundle (MFB) on the left side of the brain. The treatment groups received strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) hydroalcoholic extract with doses of 10, 25, and 50 mg/kg for 14 days. Then passive avoidance memory and movement tests were conducted on the rats one day after the last gavage. Then the brain was isolated to extract the brain tissue and malondialdehyde (MDA) test was conducted as a marker of lipid peroxidation. Results were presented as mean ± SD, one-way analysis of variance, and Tukey's post-hoc test. Results: Parkinson's disease induced significantly increased brain MDA (P<0.001) Further, treatment of Parkinson's disease with SE significantly decreased MDA in brain tissues, (P<0.001). Also, in the section on examining motor (P<0.001) and memory (P<0.05) tests doses of 25 and 50 extracts showed significant recovery effects. Conclusion: Extract of strawberry with an antioxidant effect probably has neuroprotective effects against 6-OHDA toxin.