Revista de Management Comparat International (May 2016)
Perspectives of Silver Economy in European Union
The concept of silver economy, whilst relatively new as far as terminology goes, is, actually, relatively old – at least, in the sense long-term dynamics made, actually, what we now know silver economy to be; also certain is the fact both silver economy and its known or obscure of its characteristics and, more importantly, longterm repercussions make up today several subjects of active debate for European Union’s management, first of all for European Commission. One of most important subjects is the economic one, namely the requirement of an economic strategy needed, on one hand, for designing structure and content real economies around EU will have to build up in relation to their respective social economies, if both are to work optimally (or almost), and, on the other hand, for specifically bolstering up specific sectors of EU’s real economies, especially the health sector.