Journal of Nuclear Engineering (Nov 2024)
The Effect of Ar and N<sub>2</sub> Background Gas Pressure on H Isotope Detection and Separation by LIBS
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is one candidate for analyzing the fuel retention in ITER plasma-facing components during maintenance breaks when the reactor is filled with near atmospheric pressure nitrogen or dry air. It has been shown that using argon flow during LIBS measurements increases the LIBS signal at atmospheric pressure conditions and helps to distinguish the hydrogen isotopes. However, atmospheric pressure might be suboptimal for such LIBS measurements. The present study investigated the effect of argon or nitrogen gas at different pressures on the hydrogen Hα line emission intensity during the LIBS measurements. Laser pulses with an 8 ns width were used to ablate a small amount of a molybdenum (Mo) target with hydrogen impurity. The development of the formed plasma plume was investigated by time- and space-resolved emission spectra and photographs. Photographs showed that the plasma plume development was similar for both gases, while the total intensity of the plume was higher in argon. Space-resolved emission spectra also had stronger Hα line intensities in argon. Shorter delay times necessitated the use of lower pressures to have sufficiently narrow lines for the distinguishing of the hydrogen isotopes. At the same line widths, the line intensities were higher at lower gas pressures and in argon. Hα and Mo I line emissions were spatially separated, which suggests that the geometry of collection optics should be considered when using LIBS.