Jurnal Derivat (Jul 2021)
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Flipbook Pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel Dikelas VIII SMP
Technological progress is very rapid, especially in the field of education, so teachers and students need to use technology in learning. ICT-based learning media is one of the uses of technology in education with the hope of improving the quality of learning. This study aims to determine the process and produce a product in the form of-based learning media flipbook on the material of a two-variable linear equation system in class VIII SMP. This research is a development research using the ADDIE development model. The data collection technique used is a non-test technique with a data collection instrument in the form of a validation sheet filled out by the validator. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive data analysis. Overall, the feasibility assessment of-based mathematics learning media flipbook on two-variable linear equation system material obtained an average of 85.70%, so-based learning media flipbook on two-variable linear equation system material in class VIII SMP is interpreted as very valid for use. Keywords: Learning Media, Flipbook, Material of Two Variable Linear Equation Systems, Validity