Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (May 2023)
Korelasi status kebersihan gigi dan mulut dengan pengalaman karies gigi permanen dan sulung pada anak usia 11-12 tahun: Studi cross-sectional
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada anak usia 11-12 tahun sangat penting diperhatikan. Kebersihan gigi dan mulut menjadi poin penting dalam mencegah terjadinya karies pada gigi permanen dan sulung yang pada usia tersebut. Karies di Indonesia belum mencapai indikator WHO dimana pada usia 11-12 tahun bebas dari karies. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis korelasi status kebersihan gigi dan mulut dengan pengalaman karies gigi permanen dan sulung pada anak anak usia 11-12 tahun. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan cross-sectional. Teknik pengambilan sample total sampling. Status kebersihan kebersihan mulut dinilai dengan menggunakan Oral Hygiene Index Simplified (OHI-S) dari Greene dan Vermillion. Pengalaman karies dilakukan dengan menggunakan index DMF-T dan def-t, dan kalibrasi pemeriksaan menggunakan uji kappa berdasarkan Oral Health Survey WHO. Uji normalitas dengan uji Shapiro-Wilk, sedangkan analisis data dengan uji Spearman Rho. Hasil: Status Kebersihan mulut berkategori baik sebanyak 93,3%, pengalaman karies gigi permanen berkategori rendah sebanyak 73,3%, pengalaman karies gigi sulung berkategori rendah sebanyak 80%. Uji statistik hubungan status kebersihan mulut dengan pengalaman karies gigi permanen tidak signifikan dengan nilai p=0,966, dan koefisien korelasi (r) 0,008. Hubungan status kebersihan mulut dengan pengalaman karies gigi sulung tidak signifikan dengan nilai p=0,771, dengan koefisien korelasi (r) status kebersihan mulut dengan pengalaman karies gigi sulung 0,055. Simpulan: Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut tidak berkorelasi dengan pengalaman karies gigi permanen dan sulung pada anak anak usia 11-12 tahun yang diukur melalui indeks DMF-T dan indeks def-t sebagai alat ukur dalam pengalaman karies. Kata Kunci: kebersihan mulut, pengalaman karies, anak, gigi permanen, gigi sulung Relationship between dental and oral hygiene status with caries experience of permanent and primary teeth in 11-12 years old children: cross-sectional study ABSTRACT Introduction: Dental and oral hygiene in 11-12 years old children is vitally important. Dental and oral hygiene is a key factor to prevent caries in permanent and primary teeth of children aged 11-12. In Indonesia, the prevalence of caries in 11-12 years old children has not yet met the WHO indicator of being caries-free. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between dental and oral hygiene status and the experience of permanent and primary tooth decay in 11-12 years old children. Methods: The research was conducted using a cross-sectional technique. Oral hygiene status was assessed using the Oral Hygiene Index Simplified (OHI-S) by Greene and Vermillion. Dental caries experience was measured using the DMF-T and def-t indexes, and the kappa test was based on the WHO oral health survey. Normality testing was conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk test, while data analysis was carried out using the Spearman Rho test. Results: The oral hygiene status was good in 93.3% of the participants, the prevalence of permanent tooth decay was low in 73.3% of the participants, and the prevalence of primary tooth decay was low in 80% of the participants. The statistical test of the relationship between oral hygiene status and permanent tooth decay experience was not significant, with a p-value of 0.966 and a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.008. The relationship between oral hygiene status and primary tooth decay experience was not significant, with a p-value of 0.771 and a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.055. Conclusion: Oral hygiene status does not correlate with caries experience of permanent and primary teeth in children aged 11-12 years as measured by the DMF-T index and the def-t index as a measure of caries experience. Keywords: oral hygiene, caries experience, children, permanent teeth, primary teeth