Известия высших учебных заведений: Геология и разведка (Jun 2017)
«Platinum» from the collection of A.F. Keller in the State geological museum RAS
The microprobe tests of the supposed platinum from the collection of F.A. Keller at the State geological museum of Russian Academy of Sciences have been carried out for the first time. The results have shown that the samples were indeed acquired in the XIX century in the Urals in Nizhnyi Tagil, a famous industrial area, supplied from Gospodskaya mine, being operated in that times. Concentrate platinum according to the shape and mineral compound corresponds to Isovsko-Turinskaya concentrates from Svetloborsky concentrically zoned dunite-clinopyroxenite platinum-bearing massif. Analyses of the chemical composition of the mineral phases have allowed making a list of the native metals minerals and platinum group minerals (PGM) in this collection: isoferroplatinum, r-isoferroplatinum, golden isoferroplatinum, copper-nickel tetraferroplatinum, osmium, Ru-osmium, iridium, Ru-iridium (ruthenosmiride), fine gold and tin.