Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Dec 2023)
Development of entrepreneurship culture in secondary school students as a problem of pedagogical science and educational practice
In the modern world, the concepts of a successful state and a successful person are very close to the notion of economic success. Despite the fact that economic success is not yet a guarantee of a successful state or a person, the reverse one is also true: without economic prosperity, a successful state cannot exist. The economic prosperity of states in the modern world is inextricably linked with the development of a free market economy based on entrepreneurship and innovations. Computers, cars, delicious coffee, supermarkets, and even the Internet are all the result of a cultural phenomenon that the author proposes to call "entrepreneurial culture". The article examines the significance of the concept “entrepreneurial culture” as a fundamental basis for developing modern views of the world and the prerequisites for the development of society. For this purpose, the concepts such as culture and entrepreneurship are analyzed, a definition of "entrepreneurial culture" is introduced. The author concludes that the development of entrepreneurial culture is important from the viewpoint of state development, the development of science, and the development of young people acquiring school education. The author examines the history of perceptions of entrepreneurial culture in Ukrainian society and analyzes contemporary views on entrepreneurial activity. The article also raises the questions: “What the teaching of entrepreneurship courses in the new Ukrainian school should be like?” and “Who should be involved in this?” As it is known, in 2017, the reform of Ukrainian school education began, which was named the New Ukrainian School. Among the competencies that learners will acquire, in addition to others, there is entrepreneurship and financial literacy. Therefore, the author asks whether the image of an entrepreneur in Ukrainian culture coincides with the image of a person that the learner dreams of becoming and whether they have an internal motivation to become entrepreneurs. Will they become future entrepreneurs due to acquired competencies if the attitude towards entrepreneurs that exists in our culture does not change?