Women's Health Reports (Nov 2022)
Correction to: Flexibility in Faculty Work-Life Policies at Medical Schools in the Big Ten Conference: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study by Wagner, et al. Womens Health Rep. 2022; 3:67?77; doi: 10.1089/whr.2021.0070
In the 2022 issue of Women's Health Reports (vol. 3, no. 1; pp. 67?77), the article entitled ?Flexibility in Faculty Work-Life Policies at Medical Schools in the Big Ten Conference: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study? by Wagner et al. requires correction. There are significant changes made in the article. The authors identified errors in the data shown in Tables 2, 3, and 5. Those errors have been corrected. These changes do not affect the overall conclusions of this article, but changes to the text were required as a result, and they are listed below: On page 67, in the Results section of abstract, the first two sentences have been revised. This originally appeared as: Michigan State and Ohio State Universities offered the most flexible policies (score 17.75/22) with the Universities of Maryland and Minnesota following (score 16/22). The largest delta scores, indicating more flexible policies in the past decade, were at University of Minnesota (5.25) and University of Michigan (5). This has been revised to read: Michigan State and Ohio State Universities offered the most flexible policies (score 17.75/22) with the University of Michigan following (score 16.75/22). The largest delta scores, indicating more flexible policies in the past decade, were at University of Michigan (6) and University of Minnesota (5.25). On page 71, the last three paragraphs of the Results section originally read: In descending order after Michigan State and Ohio State Universities, the Universities of Maryland and Minnesota each earned a cumulative score of 16, followed by the University of Michigan (15.75), Penn State University (13.5), University of Wisconsin (13.25), Indiana University (13), University of Nebraska (13), Northwestern University (12.5), University of Iowa (12.25), University of Illinois (11.25), and finally, Rutgers University with a score of 5 (Table 2). In comparison with the 2011 study, the University of Minnesota demonstrated the greatest change in score from 9.75 to 16 with a delta score of 5.25 by improving leave policies, adding lactation policies, and increasing part-time benefits. The second greatest improvement was demonstrated by the University of Michigan, whose score improved from 9.75 to 14.75 with a delta score of 5 through significant improvement in parental leave policies. The University of Wisconsin demonstrated no advancement in policies from the 2011 study to 2020 with an unchanged score of 12.25 (Table 3). Although not part of the original study, the University of Maryland earned one of the highest scores16 by demonstrating expansive leaves policies. The University of Nebraska scored a 13 and Rutgers University earned the lowest score of 5 demonstrating minimal leave policies or part-time options (Table 2). This has now been fully revised to read: In descending order after Michigan State and Ohio State Universities, the University of Michigan earned a cumulative score of 16.75, followed by the University of Minnesota (16), University of Maryland (14.75), Penn State University (13.5), University of Wisconsin (13.25), University of Nebraska (13), Northwestern University (12.5), Indiana University (12.25), University of Iowa (12.25), University of Illinois (11.25), and lastly, Rutgers University with a score of 5 (Table 2). ?In comparison with the 2011 study, the greatest improvement was demonstrated by the University of Michigan, whose score improved from 9.75 to 15.75 with a delta score of 6 through significant improvement in parental leave policies. The University of Minnesota demonstrated the next greatest change in score from 9.75 to 15 with a delta score of 5.25 by improving leave policies, adding lactation policies, and increasing part-time benefits. The University of Wisconsin demonstrated no advancement in policies from the 2011 study to 2020 with an unchanged score of 12.25 (Table 3). ?Notably, Rutgers University earned the lowest score of 5 demonstrating minimal leave policies or part-time options (Table 2). On page 72, the second line of the ?Part-time leave policies? section originally read as: ?Michigan State University earning a score of 14 out of 15? This has been revised to read: ?Michigan State University and the Ohio State University earning a score of 14 out of 15? Finally, on page 74, the second sentence of the Discussion originally read: The top scoring institutions in 2020 were Michigan State University and Ohio State University, followed by University of Maryland and University of Minnesota. This has been revised to read: The top scoring institutions in 2020 were Michigan State University and Ohio State University, followed by the University of Michigan. The online version has been corrected to reflect this. The authors apologize for these errors.