Internext: Revista Eletrônica de Negócios Internacionais (Jan 2008)
Gerdau S.A.: a empresa brasileira mais internacionalizada
Many companies from developing countries do not consider themselves capable of exploring other markets due to the technological gap between them and global firms. This paper shows that there is an opportunity for innovation creation in these countries, and it is one of the main factors responsible for their success in the global market. It describes the process of international expansion of Gerdau, which started with exports and evolved to steel plants acquisitions in Latin and North America and Europe. Today the firm owns 32 mills in 10 countries, being 21 abroad, and 32.000 employees. Its international path is analyzed in the light of the internationalization theories – behavioral, economic and strategic – and each one explains part of the trajectory. An important feature of Gerdau’s culture is the transfer of its business model, structure, values and technology to the acquired firms, always considering the necessary adaptation to local culture.