Microbiologia Medica (Jun 2005)
Il processo tutoriale nell’ambito della formazione del Tecnico Sanitario di Laboratorio Biomedico neoassunto nel Laboratorio di Microbiologia
The tutorship in the training of the new engaged Biomedical Technician in the Microbiology Laboratory The training period for a new engaged laboratory technician in the microbiological laboratory is considered in this work. Experience and reflective practice are the key elements in order to develope professional skills and new knowledge in adults. Learning occurs through the interaction between persons and their concrete experience. The main subject, acting as a training developer, is the mentor: he/she is the expert colleague that create an ad personam relationship with the neophyta, to support the development of professionals skills and to psychologically sustain the new member in such a difficult period. The high complexity of the laboratory framework requires an intense and articulated tutorship, in order to link the learning times of the new technician with the working times and priorities, managing the learning incentives by a careful planning. In the tutorial function is particulary important the use of methods that facilitate the experential learning reflective practice, e.g. contract, briefing, practice and debriefing. In the working agreement the needs are taked in account, the training objectives and the time for the final skills are defined. The main operating instrument is the training plan, where the specific goals are divided in professional activities that will enable the acquisition of the final skills in a well defined working period, also taking into account a specific progressive control. Regarding the specific framework of the microbiology lab, eight points have been identified in the training plan to reach the main professional skills, while the activities, that are necessary to reach the desired results in a specific time period, have been defined.