Вісник Уманського національного університету садівництва (Dec 2015)
Foliar feeding of micronutrients as a way power optimization conditions red beet
The article reflects the results of the influence of foliar feeding beet micronutrients on the accumulation of the mass of roots in the Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of the research showed that the highest root mass obtained from the use of micronutrient fertilizers Reacom-r-beet. The most effective application rate among the studied variants fixed rate – 5.00 kg/ha, regardless of variety, both in the phase of closing rows, and technical maturity. Thus, varieties Harold in the phase of closing rows, from the making of micronutrient fertilizers (Reacom-r-beet) with the norm 5,00 kg/ha has an average root mass of 96.7 g, in the phase of technical ripeness – 308,3 g, grade Kestrel – 112,7 g and 371,0 g, respectively. A somewhat smaller mass of roots was observed when introducing the micronutrients Kristalon special and Rosasol with different application rates throughout the period of research. The most effective application rate, for foliar feeding of plants beet, installed: Kristalon special – 2,50 kg/ha and Rosasol – 3,00 kg/ha in the phase of 4-6 leaves (intensive growth). The lowest root mass was observed in the control variant (without treatment of plants with micronutrients). The obtained results confirm that the mass of roots beet, depends on the individual productivity of plants, varieties, types of micronutrient fertilizers and application rates.