Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (Jan 1962)
Das Lößprofil von Nové Mesto im Waagtal
In the brickyard at Mnesice near Nové Mesto on Váh (Western Slovakia) a differentiated loess profile was exposed which is of primary importance for the stratigraphy of loess series in Central Europe. In this profile two thick fossil soil complexes are to be seen, whose basal layers contain molluscan fauna of maximum interglacial with Helicigona banatica (Rssm.). In the upper part of the younger soil complex Szeletian and in the lower layers Moustérian were established. The basal lessivé with the underlying beds yielding Banatica-fauna can be placed in the Last Interglacial, whereas the upper section comprises also soils of "W 1/2-Interstadial" age. The early Würmian loess is here not present. In the overlying loess a soil complex corresponding to the Paudorf Interstadial is weakly developed in which Gravettian was found. The earlier soil complex of great thickness is characterized by two lessivé soils. In the uppei layers Levalloisian, in the lower ones Clactonian has been ascertained. The earlier lessivé is underlain by calciferous beds with scattered warm molluscs. From the comparison with classic loess profiles in Bohemia and Moravia it follows, that the lower thick soil complex in Nové Mesto on Vah corresponds to the Interglacial which precedes the Eemian Interglacial but is younger than the interglacial following immediately the "Elster" glaciation. It is evident that the "Ohe- or Altriss/Jungriss" Interglacial or a younger separate section of the "Holstein" Interglacial is here concerned. The loess profile at Nové Mesto occupies a special position in the area of the Carpathian Basin with regard to the fact that it contains not only five Palaeolithic horizons but also two successive interglacial complexes palaeontologically evidenced.