Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Jun 2022)
„Zielone łąki mej duszy” – nazwy barw w poezji Stanisławy Plewińskiej
This paper explores the range of colour names, their frequency and functions, in the poetry of Stanisława Plewińska from Deszczno, Poland. The research material comprises 46 colour names w 131 text occurrences, representing 13 semantic fields, including one general field and 12 specialised ones. In her poems, Plewińska uses a diverse range of colours. Her poetry is full of all shadesof the canonical colour set. She favours colour expressions from the following semantic fields: green (30 occurrences), white (29 occurrences), and black (20 occurrences), which indicates her love for achromatic colour schemes and the colour which is imminent in nature. The analysis also shows that the poet uses: gold (15 occurrences) and blue (7 occurrences). She rarely mentions colours from the semantic field of yellow (4x), grey (4x), silver (4x), red (3x), purple (2x) or brown (1x). The poet never uses the colours from the semantic fields of orange or pink.