Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences (Sep 2021)
The importance of assessing the ge net ic parameters comes in knowing how the ge net ic factors are transmitted from one generation to another, as well as their relationship to each other and their effect on determining the ph enotypic of the plant. And this is through knowing the ge net ic behavior and the nature of the ge net ic action, which is of great importance in determining the appropriate method for breeding and improvement. Selection for a high yield in crops, including faba bean, requires knowledge of the nature and amount of varia nce in germplasm because ge net ic differences are desirable for plant breeders. The success of any breeding program must depend on the desired ge net ic varia nce present in the plant community, and had it not been for the occurrence of these variants, the plant species that surpassed their parents in productive and qualitative characteristics would not have been found. In view of the increasing demand for the crop of faba bean as an important food and medical source for humans, as well as the absence of breeding stations concerned with preserving the varieties cultivated in the country or developing new varieties with desirable production and quality specifications, for the purpose of advancing the current reality of producing this crop, researchers have devoted their efforts to exploit the means and ge net ic information they have available as tributaries of breeding and improving this crop, where many plant breeders were interested in the phenomenon of heterosis, and it was exploited in the development of many hybrids with high productivity and good quality.