Journal of Agricultural Extension (Dec 2005)
Impact of Micro Credit and Effective Communication System on Income of Women in Ondo and Ekiti States of Nigeria
The paper examined how micro credit, in conjunction with effective communication system, could he used to alleviate poverty among women in a democratic and deregulated economy. A total of two hundred and twentyfive respondents who benefitedfrom Country Women Association ofNigeria (COWAN), credit scheme were interviewedfor the study. The respondents were randomly selected from 16 Local Government Areas in which COWAN operates. The study reveals that the loans grantedby COWANrangedfrom #500,00- #40,000.00 with a mean of#10,000.00. It also reveals that the loans were grantedmainlyforfoodcropproduction- maize, rice, cassava andyam, as well asforfarmproduce marketing. The study shows that 73.3 percent of the respondents had access to such information through COWAN programmes, conductedby extension officers as resourcepersons, 22.7percent through radio and24.9percent through television programmes. About 67 percent of the respondents show that, the information helped to improve their productivity. Furthermore, the study reveals that, farm size offood crop increased with loan. The meanfarm size rose from 0.6-0.82 hectares after loan, means offarm sizefor maize, rice and cassava production increased with loan. The study shows that, there was a significant difference between quantity offood crops produced before loan and after obtaining loan. The t-test also shows a significant difference between income of women before and after procuring the loan. It shows that, if more credits are made available to womenfolk with effective extension communication system, theirproduction willfully be enhancedandthe cumulative effect which will reduce or alleviatepoverty among them.