Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (Jun 2017)
An innovative solution to improve the quality of life from the community physical rehabilitation room
Introduction: Physical Therapy is a topic of interest for professionals of physical education, offering a creative service which allows improving the quality of life of the population in the community. Objective: to adapt to the community the services of a therapeutic room that improves the quality of life of the population from the creation of the necessary equipments for the physical rehabilitation room in the community. Method: a descriptive study was carried out at the Department of Applied Sciences from Nancy Uranga Romagoza Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Pinar del Río, this was aimed at professors of Physical and Prophylactic Therapy subject from January 7 to December 27, 2016. The target group was comprised of the professors and executives who integrate the research project and participated in the creation of a therapeutic room, and the main people who contributed in the creation of the equipments that are available in the community; resulting from the innovation and the optimum use of the available resources. Results: the therapeutic room is in optimal conditions to offer its assistance with the guidance of competent experts who comply with their social commitments; the equipments arranged are useful for physical rehabilitation and favor more than 500 people in the community. Conclusions: the equipments created by professionals of Physical Education allowed the opening of a community physiotherapy room for the physical rehabilitation; 98% of the beneficiaries showed satisfaction for the quality of the service.