Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Dec 2023)

Językowo-kulturowa kreacja myśliwego we wspomnieniach polujących (Szczęśliwe dni Stefana Badeniego i Wspomnienia myśliwskie Juliana Ejsmonda) – rekonesans

  • Renata Janicka-Szyszko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 28
pp. 67 – 93


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The article depicts the image of hunters in memoirs of those who used to hunt. There has also been done the attempt of analysis of the linguistic and cultural creation of hunters in the world presented in “The Happy Days “ by Stafan Badeni and “ Memoirs of Hunters “ by Julian Ejsmond.The analysis of the excerpted parts shows that in both works the image of the hunter is complex. The writers point out that the final and total score of the hunting is not the main purpose of the hunter. Both writers signify strong feelings and emotions experienced in contact with the nature, spending time with people sharing the same passions, cultivating centuries- long traditions and the observation of the St. Hubert cult in particular; emphasize also the uniqueness of experiences witnessed only by those connected with hunting. Analyzing the linguistic creation there have been used various stylistic devices (epithets, idioms, metaphoric expressions , images preserved in culture).
