Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (Mar 2018)
Kurangnya kemampuan remaja dalam berperilaku asertif menyebabkan terjadinya penyimpangan perilaku seperti tidak mampu mengungkapkan keinginan dengan baik, melanggar hak orang lain dan meminta dengan paksa. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu ditingkatkan kemampuan asertif dan resiliensi pada remaja dengan terapi kelompok asertif. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi kelompok asertif terhadap kemampuan asertif dan resiliensi pada remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Quasi Experimental Pre test-Pos test with control group. Kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol masing-masing terdiri dari 42 orang. Terapi kelompok asertif dilakukan sebanyak 6 sesi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan terjadi peningkatan secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan asertif (p= 0,000) dan kemampuan resiliensi (p= 0,015) pada kelompok intervensi. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak ada perbedaan secara signifikan antara hasil pre test dan post test. Selain itu ditemukan terdapat korelasi yang positif (r= 0,396) antara kemampuan asertif dengan kemampuan resiliensi. Terapi ini direkomendasikan pada pelayanan kesehatan di masyarakat khususnya kepada anak remaja. Kata Kunci: Asertif, resiliensi, remaja, terapi kelompok asertif Abstract The Effect of Assertive Group Therapy on Assertive and Resilience Ability of Adolescent in Padangpanjang Junior High School. Adolescent’s lack of ability in assertive behaviour causes deviant behaviour e.g. unable to express wishes, violate other people right and ask forcefully. One solution to overcome this is that assertive ability and resilience need to be improved through assertive group therapy. This study aims to find the effect of assertive group therapy on assertive ability and resilience of adolescents. Quasi Experimental Pre and Post-test with control group was used. Intervention has been performed to 42 participants while 42 others were as a control group. Six sessions of assertive group therapy has been done. The findings show that a significant increase of assertive ability in intervention group has been found (p= 0.000) while ability resilience also raises significantly (p= 0.015). On the other hand, no significant difference is noted between pre-test and post-test in control group since the value of assertive and resilience ability are (p= 0.287) and (p= 0.658) respectively. Moreover, a positive correlation (r= 0.0396) has been found between assertive ability and resilience ability. The therapy is recommended as one of health care treatment in society particularly for adolescent. Keywords: adolescent, assertive, assertive group therapy, resilience