Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre (Nov 2023)
Sociodemographic and undergraduate-related variables as predictors of dental students' empathy: an e-survey in a south brazilian dental school
Aim: To assess the associations between sociodemographic and undergraduate-related characteristics and empathy scores among dental students in a school in Southern Brazil. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study developed from self-administered online questionnaires to undergraduate dental students at the Federal University of Pelotas. Outcomes were the total score of empathy obtained through the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and the scores obtained in four domains: perspective-taking (PT), fantasy (FA), empathic concern (EC), and personal distress (PD). In RStudio version 4.1.3 simple and adjusted linear regression models with robust residual standard errors were performed. Results: Eighty-seven students were included (response rate 24.4%). Considering the total IRI score, there was a mean score of 3.62 (SD=0.64) by item, and dental students had a mean score of 94.07 (SD=16.62). In adjusted analysis, being a woman increased the IRI (0.505;95%CI 0.187;0.823), EC (0.494;95%CI 0.168;0.819), and PT (0.822; 95%CI 0.329;1.315) scores compared to men. Adjusted associations were found between the EC domain and skin color and between the PT domain and family income. FA scores increased with age and family income and, decreased with dissatisfaction with undergraduate studies, only in the bivariate analysis. Discussion: Dental professionals’ empathy is essential in daily practice, improving the patient-professional relationship in a patient-centered care approach. Thus, it is relevant to recognize predictors of empathy among dental students to promote strategies to increase empathy in dental practice. Conclusion: Gender, skin color, family income, age, and satisfaction with undergraduate studies were associated with empathy scores among dental students.