Études Caribéennes (Jul 2018)
La migration, facteur urbanisant et de développement socio territorial dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal
For decades, migrants from the Senegal River Valley (mainly the regions of Saint-Louis and Matam) have been attracted by major investments in social development. Development support whose spinoffs from these individual or associative actors (with or without external financial support) make a significant and sometimes decisive contribution to the local economy. This contribution places them among the main actors of development in terms of public service supplies. In the villages and communes, faced with the absence of intervention of the State with regard to the establishment of collective social and economic services, these ‘small donors, as we can call them locally, have replaced the public power in areas as diverse as health, education or village hydraulics, etc. So, do migrants deserve to be called ‘developers’ or ‘developers’? It is to this essential question that this article attempts to provide some answers.