Здоров’я, спорт, реабілітація (Nov 2017)

Algorithm of determining the patterns of individual dynamics of competitive activity of elite athletes in athletics sprint

  • Е.И. Чебану,
  • Ж.Л. Козина,
  • Е.Н. Тимко,
  • И.В. Гребнева,
  • Н.А. Коломиец

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 57 – 66


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The aim of the work is to reveal the regularities of the individual dynamics of competitive performance of sprinters of high qualification in training cycles of different duration. The dynamics of the competitive performance of a high-qualified athlete at international competitions from 1997 to 2015 in the 400m, 200m, 100m and 60m races was analyzed. Mathematical models of non-linear regression describing the dynamics of the athlete's competitive performance in the long-term period are compiled. Based on the models obtained, a forecast of the results for 2016-2017 is compiled. Models of competitive performance as nonlinear sinusoidal regression in the annual cycle of preparation for the Paralympic Games of 2016 among athletes with visual impairments (category T12) are made. Recommendations are given for adjusting the training process in accordance with the obtained natural patterns of changes in the functional state of the athlete. In the training process of the examined athlete these recommendations were taken into account. As a result, at the Paralympic Games in 2016 the sportswoman became the World Champion and the silver medalist of the Paralympic Games of 2016.
