中西医结合护理 (Dec 2022)

Effect of positive psychology group counseling on improvement of subjective well-being of nurses in the dental clinic (积极心理团体辅导对提升口腔科门诊护士主观幸福感的效果研究)

  • LIU Zhongyuan (刘忠园)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 12
pp. 298 – 300


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Objective To explore the effect of positive psychology group counseling on improvement of subjective well-being of nurses in the dental clinic. Methods Totally 52 nurses working in the dental clinic were selected as the research objects. Nurses were arranged to participate in regular hospital training, including vocational study, teaching rounds, nosocomial infection and specialty training. Positive psychology group counseling was carried out based on the routine training program. The General Well-being Scale was used for evaluation before and after the intervention. Results After the intervention, the scores of all dimensions of the General Well-being Scale were significantly higher than those before intervention, with a significant difference(P<0. 05). Conclusion Positive psychology group counseling has a significant effect on improving the subjective well-being of nurses in the dental clinic. (目的 探讨积极心理团体辅导在提升口腔科门诊护士主观幸福感的应用效果。方法 选取口腔科门诊护士52名为研究对象。科室常规开展培训, 包括业务学习、教学查房、院感和专科培训。在常规培训的基础上, 科室开展积极心理团体辅导。干预前后使用总体幸福感量表进行测评。结果 干预后, 口腔门诊护士总体幸福感量表各维度评分和总体幸福指数高于干预前, 差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05)。结论 积极团体心理辅导能有效提升口腔科门诊护士主观幸福感。)
