Water Supply (Oct 2022)

Stable isotope composition in precipitation and groundwater of Shwan Sub-Basin, Kirkuk governorate, northeast of Iraq

  • Hind Fadhil Al-Gburi,
  • Balsam Salim Al-Tawash,
  • Omer Sabah Al–Tamimi,
  • Christoph Schüth

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 10
pp. 7442 – 7459


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Stable isotope composition of δ2H and δ18O was investigated in the water resources of the Shwan sub-Basin northeast of Iraq. The study objects conceived the possible factors that affect the stable isotopes’ composition in precipitation additionally to achieve information concerning recharge processes and estimate the groundwater recharge sources. In this study, four precipitation samples were collected at the study area for the 2020–2021 hydrological year. Thirty-two groundwater samples and one surface water sample from Lesser Zab River (LZR) were collected during the same period for two sampling seasons. The results of observed meteorological data show a very small amount of precipitation for the sampling year. This year is considered a dry hydrological year with total annual precipitation of 100.62 mm compared with the previous 40 hydrological years with total annual precipitation of 325.43 mm. The isotopic composition in precipitation was highly varied as it primarily depends on environmental conditions. The depleted values are recognized with the increasing precipitation amount, whereas the enriched values were the most affected by evaporation. Back trajectory analysis revealed that stable isotopes in precipitation are primarily influenced by air masses and moisture sources. The sources of the trajectory that came from the Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea would lead to variations in the values of precipitation stable isotope. Stable isotope values in groundwater showed that the samples for both periods are located between the East Mediterranean water line (EMWL) and global meteoric water line (GMWL) close to the local meteoric water line (LMWL) indicating that the groundwater recharge is mainly through precipitation. Groundwater recharges by an indirect recharge mechanism from the LZR, based on stable isotope similarity between depleted stable isotopes in groundwater and river water. The estimated groundwater recharge based on weighted oxygen isotopes is about 9.2% of annual rainfall infers that the recharge during the sampling year was very low. The low recharge value experiences dry weather conditions from low precipitation amounts besides increasing evaporation during the current study. HIGHLIGHTS The isotopic composition in precipitation of the study area was highly varied as it primarily depends on environmental conditions.; Back trajectory is much successful tool to investigate the air moisture source which revealed that stable isotopes in precipitation are primarily influenced by air masses and moisture sources.; The investigation of stable isotopes in groundwater indicated that precipitation is the primary source of groundwater recharge.;
