Medisan (Aug 2019)

Antirretroviral treatment with the first Cuban generic pattern in patients with HIV/aids

  • Rafael Ángel Caballero Artiles,
  • Reinier Besse Díaz,
  • Ventura Puente Sani,
  • Rolando Manuel Aguilera Besse,
  • Liliana Martínez Cantillo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 4
pp. 702 – 714


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Introduction: One of the most significant progresses in fighting the epidemic of HIV/aids has been the development of the antirretroviral therapy of great activity. Objective: To calculate variations in the effectiveness of the used therapeutic process (zidovudine, lamivudine y nevirapine), regarding selected clinical and hematological parameters. Method: An observational and descriptive series of cases study was carried out in 45 patients with HIV/aids who were discharged from the Internal Medicine Service in Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital inSantiago de Cuba, from 2015 to 2017, for which clinical and therapeutic variables were used. Results: The implemented therapy modified in a beneficial way the study parameters CD4 and viral load. Also, there was a connoted magnitude percentage in those affected patients with good clinical course (39 representing 86.7 %) and the effectiveness of the proposed pattern was visible, when showing more than 80.0 % the patients with favorable response to this therapy. Conclusions: The therapeutic pattern was effective, because a marked increment of the CD4-lymphocytes count and the marked decrease of the viral replication, what caused an important decrease of the opportunist diseases.
