Литьë и металлургия (Dec 2020)
Experience in conducting tests on a torsiometer to determine the pitch of the metal cord
Hardware production is in continuous improvement: the requirements imposed by consumers stimulate the introduction of new technological solutions and equipment. For metal products produced by hardware shops (metal cord, wire for RVD, side bronzed wire), mechanical properties are important, which determine the strength, ductility and other characteristics of materials. Metal cord has a number of physical and chemical characteristics: the diameter of the metal cord, lay pitch, linear density, deviation from straightness, residual torsion, untwistability, characteristics of the brass coating-chemical composition – coating weight, brass thickness, adhesion, mechanical properties-breaking load, elongation at break.The article describes the procedure for measuring the size of the lay pitch on a torsiometer installed by Metro Com engineering S. p. A., Italy using an upgraded device with ten pulses (resolution of the turn counter = 0.1 rotation of the rotating clamp). Comparative tests of 2x0. 30NT metal cord samples taken from a single coil were performed using a device with a resolution of 0.25 turns and 0.1 turns of the rotating clamp of the installation to determine the pitch of the coil.