Дискурс Пи (Mar 2021)
Logical Analysis of State Programs as a Tool for Increasing Their Efficiency
The purpose of the article is to determine and apply the heuristic capabilities of logical analysis in increasing efficiency of program documents. The author summarizes the experience of using logical analysis of state programs, identifies the main shortcomings in the implementation of program-targeted management at the territorial level, focuses on the logical coherence and consistency of program documents. The key requirements for ensuring the logical coherence of program documents are formulated, its main criteria are identified, the internal and external aspects in the study of programs are highlighted. The article proposes some methodological tools for conducting a logical analysis of state programs and its use in improving software products in public administration. The heuristic importance of logical rules in the expert assessment of programs and strategies is emphasized. A logical analysis of the typical structure of the state program is carried out, the role of risks and effects manifesting themselves during its implementation is determined, the connection between programs and strategies of socio-economic development is shown. The typical methods of a software product logical reconstruction are presented, the systemic risks inherent in the execution of state programs are identified. Using the example of the program "Scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation", approved by the Russian Government in March 2019, a logical analysis of this document is carried out by highlighting the basic goals and corresponding results. A deep internal relationship between the basic goals is revealed, which requires a significant restructuring of the program's logical structure and identification of its additional parameters with an emphasis on strengthening the internal connection between its main elements. A draft of the logical structure of the state program is proposed. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that logical analysis is able to improve the structure of the program, strengthen the internal connection between its main sections, and form clear mechanisms for the consistent implementation of priority goals.