Dini Araştırmalar (Nov 2015)
Allport'a Göre Dinî Yaşayışa Gelişimsel Bir Açılım
In this paper, I attempted to evaluate the main characteristic of religious life in Allport’s thought system. Religious sentiment has an important role in Allport’s thought. According to Allport religious sentiment comprjses both cognitive and feeling process. Allport thinks that childhood religiosity is an imitation of religious tradition. On the other hand in adolescence religious sentiment differs from childhood religiosity. And during the twenty years religiosity declines. Allport divides religious sentiment into two parts. These are mature and immature religious sentiment. Then he uses interiorized and institutionalized religiosity concepts. Finally he uses intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity concepts. According to Allport the extrinsically motivated person uses his religion, whereas the intrinsically motivated person lives his religion