Chemical Engineering Transactions (Jun 2022)
Solid Biofuel Spheres for the Use of Residual Biomass from Polylepis (quenual) in Rural Areas
In rural high Andean areas, there is a large amount of organic waste from plant species that can be reused as solid biofuel; these low-income areas can benefit from the calorific value of biomass from native forest species, including the tree species Polylepis, commonly known as quenual, queñual, quinual or quewiña (from the Quechua qiwiña). Culturally, low-income families use "Shampo" (a mixture of clay and charcoal) as an alternative energy source. The objective of the research was to find the dosage of Polylepis bark residues for the production of biofuel spheres in combination with shampo that offer the best energy advantage. For this purpose, three mixing ratios of residual Polylepis bark, shampo and clay as a binder were tested. The Polylepis residues were collected in the Andean zone of Huallanca - Ancash, it was ground and sieved in different diameters (2 mm, +1 mm and -1mm); the charcoal samples also collected in the zone were homogenized and sieved with different diameters (+2mm, +1mm and +0. 6mm), then making combinations between Polylepis residues and mineral coal were homogenized to elaborate spheres with three doses of 100 mm in diameter and 100 g each, using clay as a binder. The physicochemical parameters and the calorific value of the mixture in its three doses were determined analytically. The average results found were: moisture 50.31%, volatile matter 15.60%, ash 49.82%, fixed carbon 34.59% and calorific value 4708 kcal/kg. The mixtures of residual biomass for obtaining densified solid fuels resulted in optimum calorific value levels that make them good fuels. It was determined that the best efficiency and the highest calorific value of the biofuel spheres with residual biomass from Polylepis was 8741.88 Kcal/Kg; therefore, it is an alternative solution for the lack of energy in the high Andean rural areas and to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants.