Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Mar 2016)



Journal volume & issue
no. 1(9)
pp. 98 – 102


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Anistratenko A. Literary alternative of political ravenge of Ukraine. This article deals with the genre and stylistic features of the novel "Parade in Moscow" by V. Kozhelyanko. Genre features of the novel, as we see in study, appears same as the national mental peculiarities of historical development and the laws of motion and changes in historical events. There are such genre features here: hermeneutic communication of the alternative history; immersion in mythology and esoteric knowledge; criticism of the theory of linear time-space in a general sense; attract mimetic methods of other arts, science, and a wide range of formal and specific formations. A novel stylistic markers "Parade in Moscow" includes such elements as special language which contains the diaspora dialects and westukrainian one, a large number occasionalisms, bright onomasticon; publicistic presentation, emotive dialogues between the characters; interweaving artistic style in other language styles, nonfiction inclusions, epistolary elements in plot, business documents, combination of genre types. Journalistic achievements of the writer remains on the margins of his literary fame but we cannot avoid the impact of journalism aspect on V. Kozhelyanko’s artistic creativity. For example, in the articles "These different the same Russians" and "Red humor in blue and yellow universities" in reporting format we can see ideological basis for the novel "Parade in Moscow". It grows in small prose of V. Kozhelyanko from creative method to a specific style which are subjected composition and sometimes the plot. The ideological and thematic plan and symbolic and archetypal layers of the reception of the text go out in the story to an active level that is the influence to the emotions of the these reader is created by levels because novelistic scheme extremely brief and formally conservative and does not allow the writer to play with the language styles and plot superstructures (descriptions, author jokes, remarks, complex stylistic neoplasms, eclectic casts, etc.). The plot as an important component of every prose is under considerable pressure of formal characteristics novel as a genre. So, the whole body of the novel text is a reflection of character structures and thematic components. Thanks to this mimetic attraction the story gets to a new syncretism level "textidea". Key words: V. Kozhelyanko, «Parade in Moscow», modern novel genre features, historical events. Анистратенко Антонина. Литературная альтернатива политического реванша Украины В статье рассматриваются жанровые и стилевые особенности романа В. Кожелянко «Дефиляда в Москве». Жанровые признаки произведения определяются погружением в национально-ментальные особенности исторического развития и законы течения и изменения исторических событий; герменевтическую связь альтернативной истории с христианством, диалектической связью внутренней формы романа с мифологией и эзотериче ским знанием, критикой теории линейного хронотопа в общем смысле; привлечением миметичних методов других видов искусства, науки и широкий спектр формально-видовых образований.Ключевые слова: В. Кожелянко, «Дефиляда в Москве», современный роман, жанровые признаки, исторический персонаж.
