Journal of Applied Hermeneutics (May 2015)
The Process of Speech-acting Specifies Methods for Grasping Meaning. Ten Operations. A Contribution to Hermeneutics
How does speech-acting theory explain thegeneration of meaning and meaningful collective action? What place does firstperson subjective experience have in the theory? What are some of themethodological implications of the theory? The purpose here is to outline the Searlean theory of meaning formationand to draw some directions for research into meaning formation andorganization from that outline. Searle assumes a deep intentionality, adirectedness towards the world of all the human capacities. Searle asks: how dohumans from external inputs from the world and through language produceknowledge of the world and organized projects that implemented change theworld. Reasoning implies meaning. Reasons to act identify conditions of success= a meaningful act. Research directions (10) are drawn from elements of the speech act theory: the locutionary process, status assignments and meanings,willfulness, types of speech acts, decision-making and organization.