Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии (Dec 2015)


  • K. R Dudina,
  • M. M Kutateladze,
  • N. O Bokova,
  • O. O Znoiko,
  • D. D Abramov,
  • E. I Kelly,
  • N. D Yuschuk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 92, no. 6
pp. 71 – 77


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Aim. Evaluate role of gene polymorphisms of surfactant proteins in susceptibility and severity of influenza infection course in representatives of Moscow population. Materials and methods. 320 influenza patients, infected with various influenza virus strains, and 115 healthy individuals (control group), were included into the study. Human DNA samples genotyping for determination of SFTPA2 gene rs1965708 and rs1059046, SFTPB gene rs1130866 polymorphisms was carried out using a modified method of «adjacent samples». Results. Most of the individuals of the control group and influenza patients are carries of alleles and genotypes rs1965708 and rs1059046 of SFTPA2 gene, rs1130866 of SFTPB gene, that have, based on scientific literature data, shown association with severe course of influenza А(ШШ) pdm09 and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Generally, significant differences in frequency of occurrence of unfavorable genotypes CC rs1965708, АА rs1059046 of SFTPA2 gene and CC rs1130866 of SFTPB gene in influenza patients in comparison with individuals of the control group were not detected, that gives evidence on a high (from 19 to 51%) prevalence of these genotypes in the studied population. Allele C and genotype CC rs1965708 of SFTPA2 gene, allele A and genotype АА rs1059046 of SFTPA2 gene, allele C and genotype CC rs1130866 of SFTPB gene did not shown an association with severe course of А(ШШ) pdm09 influenza. The following pathology registered in most (88%) of the patients with severe course of influenza А(H1N1)pdm09: diseases of cardiovascular (44%), endocrine (36%) and respiratory (12%) systems. Conclusion. Because in most of the deceased patients due to severe course of А(H1Nl)pdm09 influenza, diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine system were detected, and an association of unfavorable disease outcome with the studied genetic markers was not detected, dominating risk factor of development of severe course and lethal outcome for А(H1N1)pdm09 influenza in the studied cohort was comorbidity.
