Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Mar 2008)

The nurse face childhood sexual abuse diagnosis

  • Lia Leão Ciuffo,
  • Janice Machado da Cunha,
  • Benedita Maria Rêgo Deusdará Rodrigues

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 07, no. 01


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The present article discuss nursing diagnosis face sexual abuse victim child, considering magnitude problem in health and psychosexual development repercussions. The objective is reflect about nurse action face childhood sexual abuse situations. Methodology: this is a descriptive and exploratory study, using bibliographic survey about nurse participation in childhood sexual abuse diagnosis. We believe that is necessary to sensitize nurse about detection responsibility of determinants aspects, attempting for social, cultural and economical children's family context. The result point to the necessity of an efficient and quality nursing assistance, witch is able to identify and recognize psychosocial indicators, having focus in child protection and damage reduction
