Research and Development in Medical Education (Jul 2012)

Level of Satisfaction among C o ntinuing Medical Education Participants of e - Learning Programs at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2010

  • Mehdi Amirnia,
  • Faezeh Mohammadi Hosseini,
  • S e yed A h mad Hejazi,
  • Hossein Alikhah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 21 – 23


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Introduction: Modification in medicine and medical education has led to the use of new teaching methods and learning-based tendency in education. Continuing medical education, as an indispensable part of a physician’s life, is one of the best fields of medical education that can use electronic learning. Regarding the increasing development of these programs, this study aims to examine the satisfaction of the participant with the program. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study includes 50 participants. A questionnaire including questions about personal characteristics and satisfaction of the participants with the program was distributed. The gathered data was analyzed by SPSS. Reliability of scale by Cronbach’s alpha was 0.90. Results: Using Friedman test the highest score was for the clarity of educational objectives, advantage of electronic programs and satisfaction with registration method and the cost and the lowest one was that of the cost compared to classroom programs. No significant difference between men and women satisfaction level was observed (p=0.265). There was significant correlation between satisfaction and degree of study (p=0.038). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study the participant were satisfied with the program. If there is a well designed e-learning program, it will motivate the learners to be active participants.
