Journal of Applied Oral Science (Dec 2021)

Evaluation by 3D stereophotogrammetry of facial changes in edentulous patients after rehabilitation

  • Guilherme Hideki de Lima TOYOSHIMA,
  • Maria Giulia Rezende PUCCIARELLI,
  • Karin Hermana NEPPELENBROEK,
  • Chiarella SFORZA,
  • Márcio de MENEZES,
  • Thaís Marchini OLIVEIRA,
  • Simone SOARES

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30


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Abstract To assess facial changes after oral rehabilitation with complete dentures (CDs) by 3D technology allows understanding the results of a treatment that changes facial proportions. Precise outcome parameters can improve decision making. Objective This descriptive observational research aimed to assess facial changes in completely edentulous patients after oral rehabilitation with a CD by a 3D stereophotogrammetry system. Methodology 30 edentulous patients (7 men and 23 women), aged 50 to 75, were analyzed with stereophotogrammetry at 28 previously determined anthropometric landmarks, at 2 different times: T1, before treatment, and T2, after inserting the CDs. Images were analyzed with a specific software for linear and angular measurements. The paired t-test was used to compare timestamps (α=0.05). Results Major changes were observed in 7 of the 13 linear measures and 7 of the 9 angular measures. The following linear measurements had an increase: Sn-Gn (lower third of the face), Ls-Li (height of the vermilion lip), and ChL-ChR (mouth width). Sn-Ls (nasal philtrum height) decreased. For angular measurements, Sn-St-Pg (lower facial convexity) angles increased, and the Prn-Sn-Ls (nasolabial angle) and GoR-Pg-GoL (mandible convexity) angles decreased. Conclusions Major facial changes in newly rehabilitated edentulous patients with CDs included an increase of the lower third of the face, of the vermilion lip, of mouth width, and of the lower facial convexity, and a decrease of the nasolabial angle and mandible convexity.
