Mokslas: Lietuvos Ateitis (Apr 2014)
The Research of Electronic Life Insurance Business Development Factors in The Context of Integration
During the development of globalization, here is the active integrationof knowledge, innovation and technologies, which leadsto the rapid use of information technologies in the processesof traditional life insurance business. The traditional businessprinciples now are outdated and new, more efficient methodsof work for traditional business transforming into an electronicbusiness are necessary. However, such problems as use of inrelevantprinciples of e-business for insurance sector stop theactivities of insurance companies. Therefore, while the intensivetransformation of traditional life insurance business to electronicis still going, it is necessary to prepare the relevant model ofe-business development. The objective of this article is to formthe model of e-insurance business transformation. To achievethis objective it is necessary to examine the theoretical aspectsof e-business, to except the elements which form the e-business,its relationships and dependencies, and to analyse the models ofmain e-business; to identify the trends of e-business in Lithuania(and European Union) and to analyse the situation of e-business atLituanian life insurance. In this article the following methods ofanalysis are used: a systemic analysis of the scientific literature,both the theoretical and practical claims matching methods, PESTanalysis, a survey method and expert evaluation.