Revista Debates (Aug 2013)
De la concentración del poder en los grupos fundadores a la distribución entre grupos emergentes. La democracia interna del Partido Acción Nacional en México (1939-2012)
The National Action Party reached more than seventy years of existence. In spite of this, little hasbeen said about this organization internal democracy. In a general way the idea that prevails is thatof being of an elitist nature. However, few efforts have been undertaken to examine the longevolution life of the party. This paper characterizes the party´s internal democracy highlighting theparticipation, competence and representative dimensions. The article concludes arguing that thechange the party undertook from a situation where the national elite detained the political power(1939-1990) to one where it fragmented into several actors (state power, governmental and party´sfunctions) (1990-1992), as result of the electoral victories and the resulting obtention ofgovernmental functions (in the ninetes).