Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano (Feb 2020)

Development and reproducibility of an instrument to assess behavioral and environmental aspects related to cyclist safety

  • Talita Chrystoval Truchym,
  • Iazana Garcia Custódio,
  • Adriano Akira Ferreira Hino

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 0
pp. e65714 – e65714


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In urgency and emergency services, the bicycle is the second means of transportation more widely used by the victims at the time of the accident. However, aspects associated with major and minor accidents are poorly understood. The aim was to develop an instrument and test its reproducibility, in order to evaluate behavioral and environmental aspects related to cyclist safety. The instrument was based on footage taken through a camera attached to the cyclist helmet and from a review of literature. Take part in the study academics that used the bicycle to travel at least once a week. Participants were instructed to indicate any safety-critical events on their way and situations of minor gravity based on the perception of real imminence of an accident. In order to identify aspects related to cyclist safety, the routes were divided in periods of 30 seconds. In order to test inter-rater reproducibility, two researchers received theoretical-practical training and performed the instrument in a sample of 100 periods. In order to evaluate the intra-rater reproducibility, one of the evaluators performed a second application after 07 days. The reproducibility of the categorical variables of the instrument were tested through general agreement and Kappa index. For the variables with continuous measuring range, the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used. The percentage agreement varied between 88-100% and the Kappa values varied between 0.76-1.00. The ICC values ranged from 0.96-0.99. The developed instrument presents adequate reproducibility for use in research to evaluate the cyclist safety in urban contexts.
