Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (Dec 2008)

Variabilidade espacial de atributos mineralógicos de um latossolo sob diferentes formas do relevo: II - correlação espacial entre mineralogia e agregados Spatial variability of mineralogical attributes of an oxisol under different relief forms: II - correlation between mineralogy and aggregation

  • Livia Arantes Camargo,
  • José Marques Júnior,
  • Gener Tadeu Pereira,
  • Renata Alves Horvat

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32, no. 6
pp. 2279 – 2288


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A caulinita (Ct), a gibbsita (Gb), a goethita (Gt) e a hematita (Hm) são os principais minerais da fração argila dos Latossolos brasileiros. A cristalinidade desses minerais interfere nos atributos físicos do solo, que são dependentes do relevo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo correlacionar espacialmente a estabilidade e o diâmetro médio geométrico dos agregados com os atributos cristalográficos dos minerais da fração argila de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar com colheita no sistema cana crua. As amostras de solo foram coletadas nos pontos de cruzamento de uma malha, georreferenciados, com intervalos regulares de 10 m e dimensão de 100 x 100 m, na profundidade de 0,2- 0,4 m, totalizando 119 pontos, em uma área de 1 ha, onde as variações da forma do relevo foram mapeadas. Foram determinados o diâmetro médio geométrico e a percentagem de agregados retidos nas classes > 2 e Kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite are the main clay fraction components in Brazilian Oxisols. The abundance of these mineral influence the physical-chemical properties of such soils, which is thought to depend on the relief. This study aimed to characterize the spatial dependence of the crystallinity of kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite and aggregates of an Oxisol under sugar cane and to assess the spatial correlation between the attributes. In a grid with regular 10 m intervals 119 samples were collected from a depth of 0.2-0.4 m. in an area of 1 ha, where the relief variations were mapped. The mean geometric diameter and the percentage of aggregates in the classes > 2 and < 1 mm of the samples, and mineralogy of the clay fraction was characterized by X ray diffraction These results were analyzed statistically and geostatistically. Cross semivariograms were established to correlate stability and the different aggregate size classes with the crystallinity of soil clay minerals. It was observed that the goethites with lowest crystallinity are related to the largest mean geometric diameter and size of aggregate, and that the attributes studied and their relations depend on the relief forms.
