Bìznes Inform (Sep 2015)
Theoretical Aspects of Innovatization of the Management of Regional Social Systems on the Basis of the Phenomena Complex «Syntellect – Synergy – Synarchy»
The article is aimed at the theoretical substantiation of the role and practicability of the both search and elaboration of innovative concepts, technologies and tools for regional management based on the contemporary management requirements of the managerial harmonization of goals, interests, relationships and interaction of participants in the regional markets under the respective acts on the part of public policy and regional management. A model for transforming resources of the regional social system into the economically and socially significant results of its development has been proposed. A graphical-analytic model for managing the status of dysergy-synergy of a socio-economic system by means of the organizational integration of its subsystems has been created, the coefficients for determining the degree of harmonization when controlling the system have been suggested. A base management algorithm for the 3С-Technology of harmonizing objectives and interests of the subsystems of a socio-economic system has been developed. Proceeding from the fact that the basis of the underlying algorithm for the managerial 3С-Technology is in its turn based on the algorithm for implementation of the management tool Strategic Planning (SP), which is supplemented by the mandatory use with the aim of the progressive transformation of the material resources of the system with an intensive and managed participation of the intellectual resources of the latter, becomes quite practical to explore and evaluate the relationship between the results obtained from the use of this technology