Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (Apr 2015)
Zona de Educação para o Ecodesenvolvimento: aproximação da Universidade com a Comunidade
Given the environmental problems, ecodevelopment and the social and productive organization of the Community (APLs.Com) seem to be a strategy for the conservation of live style and biodiversity, offering small communities the opportunity to promote income and local development. The purpose is e to systematize research efforts around an Education Zone for Ecodevelopment (ZEE), in Morretes, Paraná, analyzing the role of the university as a promoter of territorial development. We revised many documents, including internship reports, dissertations, thesis, research projects and other works, which were produced as a result of studies and practices conducted in the ZEE, between 2006 and 2014. During this period, we identified three reports, twelve essays, one thesis, nineteen research projects and eleven extension projects. We noticed the important role of university in discussions related to territorial development, mainly using a cross-discipline approach to trans-disciplinary vocation, a characteristic of ZEE, which enabled the integration between theory and practice, significantly contributing to the promotion of development in territories with vulnerabilities.