Nauka v Olimpijskom Sporte (Jun 2016)

Preparation of reserve and player selection for the national basketball team

  • Николай Безмылов,
  • Евгений Мурзин

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 2
pp. 32 – 38


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The model of selecting athletes to the national basketball team was substantiated taking into consideration the specific features of competitive activity and the age of athletes. The issue of the selection and training of basketball reserve for the national team of the country is discussed. The need was demonstrated for the use of multi-stage model of the selection of elite players for the national team, which includes: 1) preliminary selection; 2) intermediate selection; and 3) main selection. To evaluate athlete’s performance, the system of informative criteria and indicators was proposed. The features of the selection of the players of different age groups to club and national teams were described. The necessity for continuous and gradual upgrade of team roster was justified.
