Proceedings (Nov 2017)
Mas²tering: Business Cases and Technologies for Low-Voltage Flexibility Aggregation with Prosumers and Local Energy Communities Workshop
This report summarises the conduct and key findings from the fourth and final scientific workshop organised under the Mas²tering project (Multi-Agent Systems and Secured coupling of Telecom and Energy gRIds for Next Generation smart grid services), which is co-funded by the European Union under the FP7 programme. The workshop was co-located with Sustainable Places 2017 hosted by Teesside University in Middlesbrough, UK. Sustainable Places is an annual international conference focused on innovations for Energy-efficient Buildings and the wider smart grids that connect them. This fourth edition of the Mas2tering workshop series aimed at validating the project’s work to date with respect to its approach, technologies, use cases and in-progress results. For this purpose, a panel of three experts was formed and to them the project presented an Overview & Approach, Physical Testing at the ENGIE Crigen facilities, simulation of the Cardiff Grid, Project Use Cases and the Business Model Approach. Thematic issues and conclusions from the presentations and discussions are provided herein.