Современные информационные технологии и IT-образование (Mar 2018)
The effective algorithm is proposed for implementing Boolean operations over triangulated surfaces, namely, disjunction, conjunction and Boolean difference, and its software implementation. The idea consists in as follow. The first step is to determine pairs of intersecting triangles: localizing the intersection of the two surfaces using the bounding volume of the parallelepipeds and the future of their intersection. The second step is constructing an intersection line for each pair of triangles: a pair of intersecting triangles is selected, and the segment along which they intersect is constructed. Further, thanks to the entered data structure, "adjacent" triangles are selected, among which are selected those that form the intersecting pair. The process described above continues as long as such triangles can be detected. After that the triangles involved in the intersection are retriangulated. For each triangle, all the edges are known on which it intersects with triangles from another surface. These edges are structural edges in the triangulation problem with constraints for a given triangle. The third step is to combine all surfaces into one surface. Further, subsurfaces are constructed along the loops of intersection limited by the found loops. Since the intersection line of the surfaces was constructed in sequence, it is possible to specify the direction of each edge. Any edge from the intersection line is selected. The triangle is added to the subsurface under construction, which includes this edge and its orientation is the same as the direction of the edge. The edge which was selected previously is deleted from intersection line, but two new edges are added is the remaining edges of added triangle. The third step is to combine all surfaces into one surface. Further, subsurfaces are constructed along the cycles of intersection limited by the found cycles. Since the intersection line of the surfaces was constructed in sequence, it is possible to specify the direction of each edge. Any edge from the intersection line is selected. The triangle is added to the subsurface under construction, which includes this edge and its orientation is the same as the direction of the edge. The edge which was selected previously is deleted from intersection line, but two new edges are added is the remaining edges of added triangle. Their orientation is set in such a way that the opportunity to pass along the intersection line along the cycle is not broken. This process is repeated as long as the intersection line is not empty. The process of constructing subsurface must be done for each intersection line. After that, all triangles that have not entered any of the constructed surfaces are combined and form a new subsurface. The final surfaces are collected from obtained subsurfaces depending on the Boolean operation being performed. The algorithm is implemented in Java 7 and successfully integrated in specialized software products: "3D-School-Edit" and "3D-Chemistry-Edit". The first program is the software for creating 3D-models for school tasks on stereometry with the possibility 3D-printing of these models. The second one is the editor of chemical compounds with the possibility of 3D printing.