Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Slavica Wratislaviensia (Nov 2024)

Експресивна вербализација концепта (не)хигијене у призренско-тимочким говорима српског језика

  • Tanja Milosavljević

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 179
pp. 135 – 148


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The overall statistics for the negative verbal representations of the macro-concept of man in the speeches of South-East Serbia point to the linguistic fact that micro-groups identified by the integral semantic component of ‘messy’ can be found among the first ten most frequent groups of synonyms. This finding related to the associative field ‘man’ in the Prizren-Timok image of the world represents a stimulus for a lingua-culturological description of the concept of non-hygiene, which corresponds to a lack of tidiness in physical appearance, apparel, one’s household, the work one does. The attitude towards hygiene is culturally coded. Society has clear esthetic criteria and standards of acceptability and neatness. Expressives which include the identifier ‘neat / messy’ have a subjective-axiological semantic component – an evaluation of the outward appearance and a moral evaluation, reflecting the characteristic features of dialectical lexis (the frequency of the expressive with a pronounced emotional component, increased intensity of expressivity, and an increased affective tone), along with the traditional spiritual culture and mentality of this speech community.
