مجلة التربية والعلم (Sep 2010)

Genetic Algorithm to Solve Sliding Tile 8-Puzzle Problem

  • Ruqaya Shaban,
  • Isra Natheer Alkallak,
  • Mowada Mohamad Sulaiman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 3
pp. 145 – 157


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ABSTRACT The research tackled the classical problem in artificial intelligence as 8-puzzle problem with genetic algorithm. The research present the fundamental of genetic algorithm with sliding tile 8-puzzle problem. Starting from current state for state space search into a goal state by depending on the tile’s move (tiles out of place) in the current and compare with the solution of the problem (goal), without blank’s move. population size chose by the summation of probabilities misplaced tile’s move (tiles out of place) in current state comparing with goal state. In this research, depended on the Crossover and mutation for ordered chromosomes method. The experimental in this research show that the algorithm is efficient. The source code is written in Matlab language.
