Pharmacy (Oct 2022)

An Assessment of Student Pharmacists’ Knowledge of Electronic Cigarettes or Vapes—A Cross Sectional Study at One College of Pharmacy

  • Ibrahim Alfayoumi,
  • Osama Aqel,
  • David R. Axon

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 5
p. 131


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This study assessed the knowledge of e-cigarettes/vapes among a sample of student pharmacists. A 22-item cross-sectional electronic questionnaire was administered to all third- and fourth-year student pharmacists enrolled at one college of pharmacy in the United States (N = 256). Data were collected over six weeks in March/April 2022. One point was assigned for each correct knowledge item; points were then summed to create a total knowledge score for each person. Differences in the proportion of students who correctly answered each knowledge item were compared between year groups using a chi-square test, while differences between year groups for total knowledge score were compared using a two-sample t-test. The a priori alpha level was 0.05. Fifty students (third year = 30, fourth year = 20; female = 60%) completed the survey. Students’ e-cigarettes/vapes knowledge varied depending on the item. There was no statistically significant difference between third- and fourth-year students for total mean knowledge scores (third year = 12.5 ± 3.3, fourth year = 11.2 ± 3.1, p = 0.1780) or for each knowledge item, except for items 10 and 20. In conclusion, the findings from this survey of student pharmacists at one college of pharmacy in the United States indicate a need for more education around e-cigarettes/vapes for student pharmacists so that they are better able to counsel patients on their use.
