Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Dec 2021)

The concept of partnershıp work ın vocatıonal educatıon ınstıtutıons

  • Piriyeva Tarana Zakir

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 137, no. 4
pp. 45 – 51


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The experience of countries operating in market conditions shows that, among other factors, the proper formation of young people in terms of specialities and professions plays an important role in improving the living standards of the population, significantly reducing poverty. The theory of partnership has been formed not once, but within a long development of philosophical, economic, legal and political thought. We find the first word about partnership in the philosophical works of Plato and Aristotle, who put forward the idea of partnership as an equal and free individual among citizens. The concepts of "natural law" and "social contract", which emerged in the XVI-XVII centuries, are undoubtedly of interest in considering this problem. T. Hobbes was one of the first to think about this problem, pointing out that society is perceived as the result of an agreement between the people and the will of the legislature. The analysis of the scientific works presented by I. Kant, O. Comte, K. Marx, E. Durkheim, and M. Weber argues that social interaction in society is based on human solidarity, in which case partnership plays the role of a mechanism. One of the most important functions of the state is to achieve the mechanism of development of legal partnership and forms of social partnership, the rules and mechanism of interaction between the subjects of partnership, the calculated size and sequence. The analysis of the current situation, logical generalization and grouping, statistical data and sociological research methods were used as research methods. The purpose of the study is to study the main function of the partnership, to analyze the possibility of compromising and harmonizing the interests of all subjects of labor relations through the development of agreements between the parties through social interaction.
